INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELING - CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE AND APPLICATIONS The standard introduction to Christian psychology is back- in a new, reorganized edition that has more to say about Christian counseling. Now updated and extensively revised, the authors have retained the explanation of classic theory and added material that correlates these understandings with a holistic, C…
THE SPEAKER`S QUOTE BOOK - OVER 4.500 ILLUSTRATIONS AND QUATATIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Everyone who speaks or preaches needs a ready supply of thought-provoking and illustrative resource material. The Speaker's Quote Book provides the attention-getting story or that "just right" quote that adds depth to any sermon or presentation. Most people are familiar with Emerson's remark about the person…
PSYSICIANS FEE & CODING GUIDE - A COMPREHENSIVE FEE & CODING REFERENCE 2000 Physicians Fee and Coding Guide Fees for all 2000 CPT codes with proven billing tips to help make code selection easier. Having the correct fee is important. However, selecting the appropriate CPT code not only ensures appropriate payment, it will also reduce your audit exposure. This book helps you select the cor…
MENCEGAH BUNUH DIRI - BUKU PANDUAN BAGI HAMBA TUHAN DAN KONSELOR Ketika kita cenderung melihat pekerjaan pencegahan bunuh diri sebagai tugas terapis dan dokter profesional, gereja juga dapat memainkan peran penting. Namun banyak gembala, pendeta dan konselor pastoral merasa kewalahan dan tidak punya persiapan untuk mencegah bunuh diri. Dalam buku pegangan praktis ini, psikolog Karen Mason mem…
COMFORT AND CARE FOR THE CRITICALLY ILL When the medical profession is unable to offer a treatment that will cure a patient, shock, denial, grief, frustration, and feelings of isolation and confusion invariably surface. This book focuses on all of these normal reactions to a critical illness, from the perspective of both patient and caregiver. Reasonable, carefully worded advice is offered; ge…
SOSIAL PSYCHOLOGY - THE STUDENTS` READER Louis A. Peoner received his Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University and is presently Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of South Florida, Max C. Dertke is also Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of South Florida. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Miami. They are both members of the America…
A PRIMER OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY This series is prompted by the recent rapid expansion of knowledge in experimental psychology. The organization is based upon the proposition that experimental psychology is not so much a content area as a methodological approach, applicable to a variety of problems. For this reason the volumes in the series are arranged by process areas and may be combined…